Sunday, 15 October 2017

Write an effective argument for our chosen political party.

WALT: Write an effective argument for our chosen political party.

Have you voted yet?

I strongly agree with green because there options are helpful with people's lives.
I am going to explain 3 of greens politics. The Green party want to Fund home insulation for  house owners. Make public transport free for under 19s and free during off-peak times for students and apprentices. Pay low income households for winter energy costs.The first thing green part is sporting is The Green party want to Fund home insulation for  house owners.

The first policy I want to talk about is funding home insulation for house owners. It keeps homes warm and away from the cold and moisture. People will be warm they won't get sick. There house won't get soggy or rotten.Another really important policy is to Make public transport free for under 19s and free during off-peak times for students and apprentices.

It would be good because student won't be late for there test and important stuff. Students can save money to buy a house or rent. People will get out more. Another really good policy is to Pay low income households for winter energy costs.

Pay low income households for winter energy costs. To not pay as much rent as usual  in the winter so they can pay more on heat. Good idea for the winter. Help people that can't afford heat.

Laber Abolish National Standards. Why do do they have to to do this students need to know what learning they have done. What are we going to use instead. What is the point.

You have heard my examples now the conclusion to rap it all up. So there clearly i have explain why green is the best party. Over all if i could vote i would vote for green. I have talked about all of these Green party want to Fund home insulation for  house owners. Make public transport free for under 19s and free during off-peak times for students and apprentices. Pay low income households for winter energy costs.

Clearly you know who I am voting for how about you.

My next steps are: proof reading check my writing.

Thursday, 27 July 2017

term 2 bookreview

fat four eyed and useless
the story is about Ben how he was called fat four eyed and useless. he was never good at sport he didn't enjoy anything but then he found out that he was really good at writing he joined the writers group. as a event for the writers group he went to the juniors/ankle biters he calls then that because they are short. He had to read to them his kid stories.

i enjoyed this book because it was fun to read and it was interesting how all of this stuff happen to him

Monday, 3 July 2017

Current Events Term 2, 2017

  • Year7/8: I can use appropriate skills and technologies to find and use a range of texts for specific purposes.

Each week we have read a short text about a current event/ topic. We then formed questions based on what we had read.  After this we researched the answers to our questions and finally we gave our opinions on what we had found out.

Here is some evidence of my learning.

My Next Step is to continue to  apply the reading and  research skills that I have learned in a variety of other areas.